Each lesson includes a video, downloads, written points and a guided meditation.

  1. 1
    • "Mapping the Self" A Tantric Numerology Manual

    • Welcome to the Course & Opening

    • 10 Bodies Playlist

  2. 2
    • Calculating your Numbers

  3. 3
    • Number 1. Soul

  4. 4
    • Number 2. Negative (Protective Mind)

  5. 5
    • Number 3. Positive Mind

  6. 6
    • The 4 - Neutral Mind

  7. 7
    • The 5 - Physical Body

  8. 8
    • The 6 - Arcline

  9. 9
    • The 7 - Aura

    • Sobagh Kriya for The Aura

  10. 10
    • The 8 - Pranic Body

  11. 11
    • The 9 - Subtle Body

  12. 12
    • The 10 - Radiant Body

  13. 13
    • The 11 - Embodiment

  14. 14
    • Bringing it All Together

Are you ready to uncover your unique Numerology blueprint?

And start living in alignment with your Soul, Karma, Destiny, Gift and Life Path!