Membership Pricing

Recurring monthly subscription for access to the New & Full Moon circles occurring within that time. Inclusive of GST

Return to the cycles of nature with the ebb and flow of the moon.

Monthly online circles with Sam & Leila and the 13 Moons Collective.

How it works

New Moon gathering we come together the day after the New Moon after the dark of the moon has passed and the first sliver of light shows on the new moon. The energy is inspiring and refreshed after the rest period in the dark of the moon and ready for manifesting.

Full Moon gatherings we come together the day before the Full Moon to gather your thoughts and intentions just before the full realisation of the season occurs.

We meet in an online call on Zoom, via this platform. Journal prompts and complimentary downloads will be loaded into your portal the day before our call. We love to see you, however if you are occupied with small children and you need you can have your video off and listen in. You are invited to prepare:

  • A candle, incense or alter. Prepare up your space with some intention. Perhaps some flowers, crystals, oils or whatever feels beautiful for you.

  • Your favorite tarot or oracle card deck

  • A journal and a pen

  • Your beautiful, babies, children & pets are more than welcome into this space. Snuggle up with whoever needs to be close to you on the night.

Circle Holders

Sam & Leila have held circles and sacred spaces together for over half a decade. It's our honour to hold this space for you.

Sam Lindsay-German

13 Moons Course Facilitator

Leila McKail

13 Moons Course Facilitator